How did increase its customer satisfaction by 30% in just 3 months?

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Feed is the story of Anthony, a passionate entrepreneur. He creates a unique concept that allows people with little time to eat quickly and healthily. In the form of drinks and food bars, the meals are complete, balanced and can be eaten quickly. Anthony multiplies the actions to increase the visibility of Feed from its creation. As Feed’s notoriety grew, the brand had to find the keys to assert its position and develop an indispensable customer satisfaction in the food industry.
«With resilience and hard work, anything is possible.»
Anthony, CEO

Feed has reinvented the balanced diet in the form of bars or drinks!

You don’t have time for lunch today but still want to eat something? You’re hungry around 4pm for a snack break but you don’t want to eat sweets? You want to eat a balanced diet without spending hours in your kitchen cooking a meal? Well, Feed answers all these questions by offering you simplified meals that are always balanced to provide the essential elements your body needs.

With its growing growth, Feed has had to deal with an influx of customers who are increasingly demanding. So how do you meet all these ever-increasing demands ?

Feed’s main problem:  a growing solicitation of customer support agents…

Faced with the exponential increase in customer requests, the question of putting a virtual agent on their chat channel then arose to be able to collect all these customer requests and especially to automate the answers for the frequently asked questions without added value, while keeping human agents ready to answer the more complex questions.

Botmind then integrated a virtual agent in the customer support: Feed.AI. With a solution that is easy to integrate and very intuitive for change management, Feed’s customer support team did not change its working habits regarding the internal processes already in place. Their working environment has therefore remained the same, except for one thing : an additional virtual agent to help them with repetitive tasks on a daily basis.  

After the integration of Botmind, Feed freed up time for its agents to focus on high value-added tasks. Feed.AI is able to answer frequently asked questions related to promotional codes, delivery times and order tracking.  Customers, curious to know more about the brand, often ask for information about its history, its promise, its products etc., the virtual agent also answers these questions.

With instant answers to their questions, customers were able to get concrete feedback on their requests. For the customer, the dialogue remains fluid and pleasant, improving their experience on the website.

Today, this automation has led to a considerable increase in customer satisfaction from 15 to 30 %.

Satisfaction at all levels, whether customers or internal agents!

Today, Feed is very satisfied to have integrated Botmind for its e-commerce customer support. Agents no longer receive any frequent, time-consuming and value-free questions, which also increases their job satisfaction.

Aurore, Feed’s customer service manager, gives her definition of Botmind: “Your customers are never alone anymore.”

The hybrid approach between the human agents and the virtual agent has met Feed’s expectations, which has been able to automate almost half of its incoming requests (automation rate of 42%). Feed opted for an innovative solution that allowed it to save time and money for its customer support team.

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